One of the highlights of the music programs at Trinity is always the Christmas and Spring concerts. Unfortunately, these have been cancelled the last few years due to Covid. In trying to bring some normalcy back to our year, we will be having a late Spring concert on Tuesday, June 7th, at 7:00 pm in the gym. All bands will be participating, in addition Grades 3, 4 and 5 will be adding their voices in song to the concert. We are now hard at work learning the songs for it in music class. All students in these grades are expected to attend the concert, including the students that are not involved in the band program. We need all of our voices to sing together in praise of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. All students that are not in band, should come in dress up clothes, no sneakers, t-shirts or jeans will be allowed, band members should follow Mr. Stainkamp’s instructions. Please mark the dates on your calendar, and watch for future announcements for more information.