Spelling: words from The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. Test Friday
Science: Ch 6 test and notebook check Tuesday. Biome/ecosystem pamphlet due Monday 1/27. Begin Ch 7:
Reading: We are reading The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. It is a wonderful book about how a heart can change. I encourage you to talk to your child about it. Vocabulary quiz Tuesday: 2/4. We will be completing an activity in class upon completion of the book that will count as a teat grade.
Book Review due 1/31.
Writing: Types of nouns. We are exploring paragraph writing. (topic, and lead off sentences)
S.S.: Ch 8; Test Friday,1/31. Foldable will be graded as a classwork grade.
Math: Connecting area diagrams and the distributive property to partial products of the standard algorithm with renaming. Fluently multiply multi-digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm and using estimation to check for reasonableness of the product. Quiz:2/7
Bible: verse test Wed. 1 John 1;9. We are talking about how God gave His Word to us and how we learn, apply, and use God’s Word. Verse test Feb. 12/ 1: 1 Peter 3:8
As the second quarter comes to a close, I am thoughtful of how fast the time is going by. It has been a great year. Your children are wonderful, hard working, and well-behaved. I have enjoyed them. I pray the rest of the year runs as smoothly as the first half has. Thank you for your hard work, support, patience, and understanding.
We have been talking about forgiveness during the month of January. It has been in my thoughts and my heart. I was taken by a few things my pastor said during his message last Sunday. We have spoken of a few of these points in class and I was thinking how great it is that I can come to work and discuss such important subjects as this with your children. One thing I recall is that forgiveness is an extension of grace to someone. The word forgiveness has Greek roots from the word for grace. I am thinking that forgiveness is not easy and I have to remind myself that it is not optional either. Forgiving doesn’t mean the hurt you feel if you were wronged by someone goes away,but it will no longer wear you down. God will be there to help you through it. It is hard to forgive, but isn’t it great to be forgive by someone when we hurt them? I have felt what seemed to be the weight of the world lifted when someone I asked forgiveness of forgave me. God forgives us when we humbly ask Him to. In fact, He sent His only Son to do this. Thinking that helps me remember how important forgiveness is.
I encourage you to continue to discuss forgiveness with your children.
We would like to welcome our new student, Alexandra, to our class. We enjoy having another person in class to share God’s love with.
Our student teacher, Ms. Reiss, is about half way through with her time in our classroom. She has been working hard with the science and S.S. curriculum. She will be handling the reading and activities concerning The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. We are glad she has been able to experience such a nice class.
Have a super week…….. Mrs. Lively