We are taking the Terra Nova tests this week. We will be testing first thing in the morning and should be done on Thursday, with Friday as a make up day in case of absence. Our work load will be lighter, as to not overwhelm students.
Here’s what is going on…
Math: Ch 12: Convert Customary Measurements. Quiz and Test after the break
ELA: We will finish reading The Valentine Ate My Teacher and will complete reading and grammar packets that focus on comprehension and various skills.
Writing: We will complete the writing process to finish our opinion writing about a country that would be great to visit.
Science: Daily question: When you turn on the faucet, where does the water come from?
Religion: Daily Devotions. We will be making Valentine cards for our kindergarten buddies and visiting them on Wed. We are creating posters with verses on love to display.
Work Back Wednesday folders will go home this week. Wednesday is a free dress down day for Valentine’s Day.

One week until break…Thank you for all you do. Have a wonderful week.