This Week in ART:

PreK –Bubble Wrap Sheep

KA — Fall Trees (A Lesson on Color and Texture) Tissue Paper and Crayon Collage

1AA — Scarecrow Sculpture

2AA — Autumn Activity (Crayon and Sponge Paint Drawing)

3AA — Finishing our quilt drawings

4A — Finishing our chalk pastel sunsets

5A — Popsicle Stick and Felt Pen Art (students learn how to create new spaces and shapes by using line and color)

6AA — Perspective drawing continued

7AA — last day to finish our Tissue Paper Collage

8A/8AA — Expressionism Art based on E. Munch’s Scream — students will use lines and colors to express the mood of their art piece

ART Elective — finishing Hip Hop Kandinsky murals


Keep Creating,

Mrs. E. Kerwin