Hello fabulous fourth grade families

This week we will be doing a variety of lessons and activities.

A reminder that there is no school on Friday. Teachers will be attending the annual LSA conference.

AbScholastic Book Order was sent home last Thursday, orders are due by 10-27 and can be completed online at https://orders.scholastic.com/WQ9CV (Class Code: WQ9CV)

Below you will find what we will be doing for each subject this week:

ELA: This week in ELA we will be using Scholastic Storyworks. We will be reading the texts, Frozen Earth: Life and Death in the Ice Age, The History of Fun, and A Playground for All. We will be working on citing text evidence, as well as comparing and contrasting 2 related texts. In writing we will be working on letter writing, as we write letters of appreciation for the Hicksville Fire Department as October is National Fire Prevention Month. We will be delivering these letters with the 5th grade to the Fire Station on West Marie Street on Monday October 23rd.

Math: This week in math we begin Module 4: Mental Math and Estimation Strategies. Please be sure to check google classroom for helpful videos and handouts. I also put a copy of the HW pages that can be printed and completed if packets get lost. It is essential that your child is fluent with their multiplication facts, please be sure to review with them at home to reinforce their practice in school.

Religion: This week we continue our study of prayer.

Social Studies: I am excited to announce that our New York State Parade is here! We will be having a NY State Parade on 10-18 following chapel. I am excited to see the students share their learning with the school. We also begin our second chapter of S.S.: Three Worlds Meet.

Science: This week continue our science unit about the birth of rocks. Focusing on the question: Will a Mountain Last Forever?

Ms. Stainkamp