Hello Fabulous Fourth Grade Families, 

It was lovely to see many of you on Friday at Parent Teacher Conference to discuss how AMAZING each of your children are doing in 4th grade!

Below you will find what we will be doing for each subject this week: 

ELA: This week we continue to read our class read-aloud Matilda, by Ronald Dahl. We will focus on characterizing the main characters of the text and comparing them. We will also be reading the Scholastic Storyworks article titled, Stolen from the Wild. We will be focusing on the skill of connecting texts and note taking while reading non-fiction texts. There will be a comprehension quiz on Friday 11-22. In writing we will continue our second writing unit focusing on argumentative writing. We will be working on beginning to write our drafts this week. In grammar we will continue unit 2, nouns, focusing on singular and plural nouns. 

Math: This week in Math we continue our study of Unit 2: Multiplication and Division Problems. Module 8 is titled Multiply multi-digit numbers. There will be a quiz on multiplying on Thursday 11-21, and a test on Friday 11-22. Please help them Helpful handouts, videos, charts, reteach pages, and the HW can all be found on Google Classroom and are excellent resources. 

Religion: This week we will continue our Religion Kindness Challenge, as well as continue our unit of study on the New Testament. There will be a religion test on Tuesday 11-26. 

Social Studies: This week we will continue Chapter 3- Three World Meet. We will continue looking at what life was like in colonial NY. Our Colonial New York Brochure will be due on 11-21. We will be working on this at school, however students may need additional time to complete it at home.  

Science: This week in science we will be in the STEAM lab learning about the History of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. We will be working in groups to design, build, and display our own floats made with balloons, string, tape, and shish kabobs. I cannot wait to see the amazing creations!


Ms. Stainkamp