We have an exciting week planned ahead! This week we will be focusing on the following topics in each subject listed below.
ELA- This week we will be starting our new class read-aloud, Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing by Judy Blume. In grammar we will be learning about pronouns. There will be a spelling quiz on 5-13.
Math- This week we will be finishing Chapter 11, Angles. For this chapter it is essential that your child has their protractor as we will be learning how to measure angles. There will be a Math Quiz on 5-4 and a test on 5-5. We will also be working on a mini project, Angle Initials. This mini project will be counted as a quiz grade and completed in class. As always, the Reteach and HW pages will be available on Google Classroom. Splash Learning is a great tool to help practice and review math skills, and has a great feature to help students practice their fact fluency at home. Please continue to work with your child on fact fluency.
Social Studies- This week in S.S. we will be focusing on preparing for our Biography Bottle Project. We will be learning and discussing the important parts of an oral presentation. Just a reminder that the Biography Bottle Project, which will be due on May 5th, will be counted as a test grade.
Science- We will continue our unit, Energizing Everything. We will continue learning about the different types of Energy.
Religion- This week we will continue Unit 7 from our Religion Book. Jesus Teaches and Performs Miracles (The Parable of the Sower – Jesus Raises Lazarus)
Please always reach out if you have any questions or concerns. The best way to reach me is through talking points, and I am looking forward to an amazing week learning with an amazing class.
Walk as children of light (for the fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true), and try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord. Ephesians 5: 8b-10