Hello Fabulous Fourth Grade Families!

Please take a moment to review what we will be covering over this week. It is important that students bring in a charged chromebook to school each day. We will be going outside every day we can, it is important that your child is dressed appropriately.

Our P.E. period has been moved from Thursday to Tuesday. We will have P.E. on Tuesdays and Wednesdays for the remainder of the school year.

Below you will find what we will be doing for each subject this week:

ELA: This week we are reading several narrative poems. We will be focusing on the author’s purpose and meaning. There will be a short comprehension quiz on the poem, Swimming to the Rock on Friday. There will also be a vocabulary quiz on Friday. Please be sure to study the words each night while completing a vocabulary menu. In writing we will be focusing on writing strong paragraphs. In grammar we will be learning about using good/well and negative adjectives. We will also begin our next class read-aloud, I Survived the California Wildfires, 2018.

Math: This week in math we will complete module 19, Relative Sizes of Customary Measurements. Be sure to watch the videos on Google Classroom to use as a study tool. There will be a quiz on Tuesday 5-23 and a test on Wednesday 5-24. Please remember to check google classroom for reteach pages, HW, helpful handouts, and videos. Students are encouraged to practice their fact fluency each night. It is vital that students are familiar and comfortable with their multiplication facts.

Religion: This week we will begin our study of the Armor of God found in Ephisians 6:10-18.

Social Studies: We will finish Chapter 7, reading lessons 3, Facing New Challenges and 4, Depression and War.

Science: This week we continue our study of energy focusing on the questions, What if there were no electricity? and How long did it take to travel across the country before cars and planes? Please be sure to be collecting found objects for our final in school science project.

Ms. Stainkamp