Hello fabulous fourth grade families,


The class had an amazing time visiting the Waterfront Center on May 8th. Click the link bellow to see some photos from our trip 🙂


Below is what we will be focusing on this week! 

ELA: This week in ELA we will continue reading our next class read aloud, Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing, by Judy Blume. We will begin a novel study focusing on revisiting skills taught throughout the year and applying them to authentic literature. There will be a comprehension test on the book on Friday May 17th. In writing we will be beginning our fictional narrative writing. Students can write a narrative about anything that they choose. In grammar we will begin our study of adverbs. 

Math: This week in math we will complete Module 18, symmetry and patterns. This is a quick chapter. As always, please see the resources on google classroom. There will be a quiz on Tuesday May 14th. There will be NO TEST for module 18.  We will also begin Module 19- Customary Units of Measurement.  

Religion: In Religion we will continue learning about the Parables of Jesus. 

Social Studies: This week in S.S. will begin chapter 7- NY transforms. We will look at lesson 1- Industry Grows. We will also be studying Theodore Roosevelt. There will be a project due on May 22nd based on Ellis Island. 

Science: In science we will begin our next unit of study- Energizing Everything. We will be looking at lesson 1 focusing on the question, How is your Body Similar to a car? 


Ms. Stainkamp