Hello Fabulous Fourth Grade Families!

Please take a moment to review what we will be covering over this week. It is important that students bring in a charged chromebook to school each day. We will be going outside every day we can, it is important that your child is dressed appropriately.

Below you will find what we will be doing for each subject this week:

ELA: This week we are focusing on reading historical fiction and understanding how technology can affect one’s life. We will read the texts, A Telephone Mix-up and The Moon Over the Stars. There will be a comprehension quiz on Friday for both texts. I will place links to both texts on Google Classroom. In grammar we are focusing on comparing using more/most and good/bad.

Math: This week in math we will finish module 17, Classifying Triangles and Quadrilaterals. Be sure to watch the videos on Google Classroom to use as a study tool. There will be a quiz on Thursday 5-4 and a test on 5-5. Please remember to check google classroom for reteach pages, HW, helpful handouts, and videos. Students are encouraged to practice their fact fluency each night. It is vital that students are familiar and comfortable with their multiplication facts.

Religion: This week we will begin our study of the New Testament.

Social Studies: We will start our study of Ellis Island. Our Chapter 7 project is due on May 12th. Be sure to check google classroom for more information. We will be presenting our projects on May 12th and 15th.

Science: This week we will be creating paper roller coasters to learn about energy transfers, and answer the question Could you knock down a building using only dominos?

Ms. Stainkamp