Hello fabulous fourth grade families,

This week we will be taking the TerraNova Exams. Please ensure your child comes to school each day having eaten a good breakfast. Students should also make sure they have at least 2 #2 pencils, a water bottle, and a book to read. We will be taking the TerraNova tests on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday morning. On Wednesday we will also celebrate Valentine’s Day. If you would like a class list to help fill out valentines please let me know. As a friendly reminder there will be no school the week of February 19th in observation of Presidents week. School will resume on Monday February 26th.

Below you will find what we will be doing for each subject this week:

ELA: This week in ELA we will continue to read our class read-aloud, I Survived the California Wildfires. We will also be finishing our opinion writing. In grammar we will continue our study of verbs.

Math: This week in math we will be working on strengthening our skills with money and decimals by completing a real life money-math project called Sleepover Math.

Religion: In Religion we will continue learning stories of the Old Testament.

Social Studies: This week in S.S. will finish Chapter 4- The American Revolution. There will be a test on Friday 2-16. A review sheet will be completed on Monday. Please help your child study the review sheet to help them prepare.

Science: In science we will continue our second unit of study, Waves of Sound. We will be further exploring sounds.

Ms. Stainkamp