Hello Fabulous Fourth Grade Families!

It’s hard to believe that March is over, and it is Holy Week. Although it is a short week, there are many activities and in school projects wrapping up before the break.  

Please take a moment to review what we will be covering over this week. It is important that students bring in a charged chromebook to school each day. We will be going outside every day we can, it is important that your child is dressed appropriately.  

Below you will find what we will be doing for each subject this week: 

ELA: This week in ELA we will be continuing our biography study of Steve Irwin. We are focusing on note taking and using a timeline. We will also be working on a digital book on Steve Irwin to wrap up our biography unit. This book will be counted as a test grade. For writing we will be working on writing our argumentative essay answering the question: Would you like to live in a tiny house? We will be working on writing a strong opinion piece this week. 

 Math: This week in math we will finish module 15 adding and subtracting fractions and mixed numbers with like denominators. We will have a quiz on April 5th, there will be no test for Module 15. Please remember to check google classroom for reteach pages, HW, helpful handouts, and videos. Students are encouraged to practice their fact fluency each night. It is vital that students are familiar and comfortable with their multiplication facts. 

Religion: This week we are focusing on the days of Holy Week. 

Social Studies: We will be going on a virtual field trip to important places in Abraham Lincoln’s life.

 Science: This week we will be applying what we have learned about Energy to an Easter themed STEM project.  


Ms. Stainkamp