Hello Fabulous Fourth Grade Families!
Please take a moment to review what we will be covering over this week. It is important that students bring in a charged chromebook to school each day. We will be going outside every day we can, it is important that your child is dressed appropriately. Be on the lookout for a premission slip about our next fieldtrip.
Below you will find what we will be doing for each subject this week:
ELA: This week in ELA we reading several articles from Scholastic Storyworks, including White Death and Jeans Take Over vs. Sneaker Nation. Working on the skills of compare and contrast and summarizing. We will continue our study of adjectives, specifically demonstrative adjectives as well as comparing adjectives. We will also continue our class read-aloud The Report Card, by Andrew Clements. There will be a comprehension test at the end of the book.
Math: This week in math we will finish module 16 multiplying fractions. We will have a quiz on Monday 4-24, and a test on Tuesday 4-25. We will also be starting Module 17- two dimensional figures. Please remember to check google classroom for reteach pages, HW, helpful handouts, and videos. Students are encouraged to practice their fact fluency each night. It is vital that students are familiar and comfortable with their multiplication facts.
Religion: This week we will be finishing our study of the old testament. There will be a test on Thursday. Please use the classwork packet as a review sheet.
Social Studies: We will be completing lessons 7.1-7.3, learning about the changes that began to happen in New York following the civil war.
Science: This week we will be answering the question, What makes a roller coaster go fast? Completing 2 lab activities where we test different theories about how roller coasters gain speed.
Ms. Stainkamp