Here’s a look at what we will be doing during the 2 days of school this week before Christmas:

Since it’s a very short week, we will not begin a new story or have new spelling words. We’ll be doing Christmas projects, and hearing stories about the birth of Jesus. Other subjects will be covered as time allows. The only homework on Monday will be Math as we continue with chapter 6.

Thursday’s Christmas party was so much fun for the first graders! Thank you to our class moms for all their help organizing and helping with the party. The books from Santa were a big hit!

As you already know, we will have a Christmas card exchange this week. I hope everyone will participate and send in cards for their classmates by Monday, if you haven’t already done so.

I would like to wish all of my wonderful children and their families a very blessed Christmas, as we celebrate our Savior’s birth. Enjoy the time with your families, and have a healthy, happy New Year. See you in 2023!