Welcome to Mrs. Flomer’s class notes!
Here’s a look at what we will be doing this week!

Spelling- The words for this week are: am, at, sat, man, dad, mat. The children will write their spelling words 3x each for homework, and they should be handed in by Wednesday. We did the first 2 words together in class to show the children how to write in their “S” books. There will be a Spelling test on Friday (6 words)

Phonics- We will focus on the sounds of n, d, p and f.

Language Arts- Nouns

Reading: We will read the first story What is a Pal this week. The children will bring home their hard covered reading books by Wednesday to read the story again at home. The books should be returned to school on Friday. There will be a reading page coming home for HW each night, reinforcing the concepts taught in class. There will be a Reading test on Friday. The test will be: comprehension (of this week’s story), phonics (short a words), and high frequency (“R” book words). The children have to know how to read the “R” book (HF words) and they will fill in a blank, in a sentence, with those words on the test. The “R” book is a marble notebook that the children will write all the HF words in to study from.

Each lesson in our reading series has a 4-5 day plan. We read the story and go over the new spelling and vocabulary words on the first day (usually a Monday) and then we learn new concepts and work in our reading workbook each day. A n They should be able to read them fluently by the end of the week.
The Focus Wall that is sent home each week gives you an overview of what we will be learning in ELA that week.

Math- Adding in any order (commutative property); different ways to make numbers

Social Studies- Good Citizen; Rules

Religion- The stories of The Great Flood and God’s Promise to Abram

1AA News

Please make sure your child has extra masks at school, as they often ask to change them when they get damp from breathing in them or running around outside. I also told the children to have a sweater with them every day, as I put on the AC when we need extra cool air in the room.

I am looking forward to speaking to all of the parents at our Zoom Back to School Night on Thursday, 9/23 at 6:30 p.m.
Please encourage your child to read every night to help strengthen his/her skills. They should be reading for about 15-20 minutes each day.

Have a great week, and feel free to email me any time with questions or concerns: [email protected]