Welcome to Mrs. Flomer’s class notes!

Spelling- The new words for this week are: far, arm, yard, art, jar, bar, barn, bark, card, yarn, night, story. The children will write their spelling words 3x each and 5 sentences for homework by Thursday. Use at least 5 words in each sentence. Spelling Test will be on Thursday this week as the students do not have school on Friday.

Phonics- r-controlled vowels ar, or, ore; phonograms -ar,

Language Arts- subject pronouns

Reading: We will read the story, “Frog and Toad Together- The Garden” this week. The “R” book words are few, window, shall, night, noise, world, loudly, story. The reading test will be given on Thursday.

Math- continue with chapter 8; test will be next week

Social Studies- American documents: Declaration of Independence; Constitution

Weekly Reader- “In like a Lion, Out like a Lamb”

Religion- Jesus’ miracles

1AA News

This is the last week of the 2nd trimester. Report cards will be available to view next week.

Friday is a Professional Development Day for the teachers, so the students do not have school. Our weekly spelling and reading tests will be given on Thursday.

Please remember to check your child’s homework every evening, making sure it is completed and done correctly, then sign or initial each page, (including the “S” book)! Encourage your child to complete all work in their neatest handwriting. The children have been getting creative with their sentence writing! The spelling sentences must be completed by Thursday of each week.

No Pizza Day this week.

Have a great week!

Mrs. Flomer