Mrs. Flomer’s School Notes for the week of June 17th.

It’s almost over! It is hard to believe that these are our last days of school. The school year went by so fast!

We will read the last story in our readers and learn the concepts but I will not be testing them on lesson 30. I will be giving an ELA benchmark test this week to see how much they have progressed this school year. There is no way to study for this test and it is not part of their report card grade.

Tuesday- Social Studies test on book 5- books were sent home last week. Please return the book to school on Tuesday.

We will continue to celebrate summer birthdays, and more students will be “teachers” this week.

If you got your child’s textbooks from Boces (mostly Suffolk county residents: Ava, Dakota, Riley, Evan, Ashley, Graysen), then you must pick up the textbooks from the classroom toward the end of the week and return them to Boces. All other books stay in the classroom. Consumable books will be sent home with all the children to keep.

Friday (6/21) is our last day, and dismissal will be at 12 noon!

I would like to thank you for sharing your precious children with me this year. I have enjoyed this class so much, and all the unique personalities! It has been such a successful year, and the children have achieved so much. I hope that they enjoyed their first grade experience as much as I enjoyed teaching and loving them! I wish them all the best next year in second grade.

Please encourage your child to read daily over the summer. It is so important to continue to strengthen their skills to help them be successful in Second Grade! I will be sending home a Summer Review Packet for the children to practice the concepts learned this year. They should return the packet to their second grade teacher in September.

I am so proud of this class, and how far they have come, especially with their reading and writing skills!

A special thank you to our class moms for all they did this year… Mrs. Rucker and Mrs. Senior!!
Have a safe, fun summer!

Mrs. Flomer