Dear Parents,

What an awesome couple of weeks we had learning all about apples. The children learned about the life cycle of an apple. They made apple presses, and also had fun measuring their height with apples. The children’s favorite science activity was making apple volcanoes! We learned the letter A for apple. This coming week we will begin our science unit on colors. We will begin by showing the children how red and yellow make orange by mixing the two colors together. We will learn about the letter F for Fall. The children will learn how to recognize, sound out and trace the letter F. We will continue to discuss the changes that occur during the Fall season.

For religious instruction, we will discuss the seven days of God’s Creation and make a craft. We will continue to learn the song “Jesus Loves Me.” The children are learning how important it is to share with one another and to always be kind to our friends.

~ Friday, October 4th – Trip to White Post Farms
~ Monday, October 7th – Picture Day (if you don’t come to school on Mondays, we will give you a time to come for your picture)
~ Monday, October 14th – NO SCHOOL for Columbus Day
~ Please remember to label every article of clothing and supplies that you send in with your child.
~ Please empty your child’s folder daily.

Have a Blessed Day!
Miss Sue & Miss Kelly