Happy New Year! I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas and New Years, as well as a relaxing few weeks off.  As we strive to keep everyone safe, please remember to complete the daily attestations each morning prior to coming to school.  

We will spend this week practicing for our Christmas Program, which had to be postponed last month.  Once details of the program are finalized, I will share them with you.  

We will talk about the New Year and what that means.  We will learn what a resolution is by making a “class resolution” which will be to be kind.  For Jesus time we will review the birth of Jesus leading up to Epiphany, which is on Thursday, January 6th.  We will work on some winter crafts to welcome in the New Year, the winter months and Epiphany.

The books we will read this week are Happy New Year Spot and The Three Wise Men from the Children’s Bible.

Upcoming Important Dates:
January 4: School Resumes for Toddlers
January 24 – January 28: Lutheran School’s Spirit Week (details to follow)
February 15: Red Day (Everyone wears red to school)
February 21 – February 25: No School for Winter Recess

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me through ClassDojo or via email [email protected]. I wish everyone a happy and safe week.