Dear Parents,

What an awesome trip to the aquarium.  It was so nice to see so many of our friends.  We learned a lot about sea life.  We also learned about the life cycle of a frog.  The children learned the song “Five Green and Speckled Frogs.”

This week we will continue our science unit on pond life by learning all about dragonflies and their environment.  The children will be learning how to recognize, sound out and write the letter Y for yellow.  For math instruction, the children will “count the dragonflies.”


  • April 17th – $10.00 donations for WINGO are due if you choose to donate.
  • April 17th – Children have gym class on this day.  Please make sure they are wearing sneakers or proper footwear for gym class.
  • Don’t forget to empty your child’s folder each night.
  • Please remember to send in your child’s library book.

Have a Blessed day!

Mrs. Agosta and Ms. Madden