Dear Parents,

Happy Palm Sunday!  This week we welcomed the season of spring by making cute spring projects.  We enjoyed spending time with our parents and classmates for our Easter Program.  The best part was that the Easter bunny came to visit us!  We also discussed Palm Sunday and had a little parade through the hallways with the other ECC classes.

This week the children will learn how to recognize, sound out, and write the letter W for windy.  For math instruction, the children will do a “count the eggs” activity.  They will also reinforce letter recognition by doing a color by letter “B is for Bunny.”

Ms. Madden and I will miss you over the break.  We wish you all a very Happy Easter.


  • March 27th – ECC3’s Easter party in our classroom.
  • March 28th through April 5th – NO SCHOOL for Easter Recess
  • April 10th – ECC Field trip to the Long Island Aquarium in Riverhead (Arrive at 9:45 am).
  • Please don’t forget to empty your child’s folder each day.
  • Please remember to send in your child’s library book.

Have a Blessed Day!

Mrs. Agosta & Ms. Madden