Dear Parents,
We hope you all enjoyed the winter break. We missed the kids and can’t wait to see them back in school.
This week the children will learn how to recognize, sound out and write the letter S for special. We will complete our unit on family and love.
For math instruction, we will learn how to recognize and write the number 8. For religious instruction we will learn how Jesus heals a paralyzed man. We will be going to Chapel this Wednesday.
- March 4th through March 8th – Read Across America. We will be learning the works of Dr. Seuss and making many cute crafts.
- March 15th – Green Day! ECC wears green.
- March 20th – ECC3 Easter Program (More information to follow).
- March 28th through April 5th – Easter Recess
- Please don’t forget to check your child’s folder daily.
- Tuesday is library day. Please make sure to send in your child’s library book by Monday.
Have a Blessed Day!
Mrs. Agosta & Ms. Madden