We had a great week making gingerbread puppets and acting out the story “The Gingerbread Man.”  We learned about the letter Gg for Gingerbread and the sound the Gg makes.  The students also learned about Advent.  We started our Advent wreaths with the first purple candle symbolizing “hope”.  We will continue to add to our Advent wreath each week with a different candle.  We practiced our counting skills by counting the number of candles that will eventually be on our Advent wreaths.  We also made snowflakes with watercolor and sequence to decorate the walls and get ready for the winter season.

Next week we will continue talking about Christmas traditions and the coming of Jesus.   During Jesus time, the children will learn about the second week’s candle on our Advent wreath which symbolizes “peace.”  The students will also be able to retell the story of the birth of Jesus with a nativity set we have in class.  We will also be making many fun Christmas crafts and ornaments.

We will learn about the letter Nn for nativity and the sound it makes.  During math, we will continue “counting our way to Bethlehem.”  Each day we get closer to the birth of Jesus, we mark off the day and practice counting up until that point.  When we get to Bethlehem, we will color the nativity.  We are most excited about our Christmas show that will be held in the Chapel on Dec. 9th.  The children have worked very hard and are so excited for you to see them shine!


  • December 7th – Baby layette item due
  • December 9th – ECC’s Christmas program
  • December 19th – Christmas Pajama/Movie Day
  • December 20th – Ugly sweater day/Class Christmas parties
  • Please don’t forget to empty your child’s folder each night.  The children are so excited for you to see their artwork.
  • Please remember to label your child’s clothing, (gloves, hats, scarves, etc).  Thank you.

Have a Blessed Day!

Mrs. Agosta & Ms. Madden