Dear Parents,
We hope you all had a very Happy New Year and enjoyed the break! We are so excited to see the children tomorrow and have a lot of fun activities in store.
This week the children will be getting back into their school routines. We will continue to help the children strengthen their fine motor skills by tracing their names, cutting, and coloring. We will also complete evaluations on the children (recognition of colors, numbers, shapes, and letters) in preparation for parent/teacher Conferences.
Our theme for this week is weather. We will be learning about the cold weather and what clothing we wear in cold weather. For our science experiment on Friday, the children will learn how water freezes and turns to ice. They will also learn how ice then melts and turns back to water. We will also be making a fun “melted snowman” project that we love to make every year with the kids, as well as other fun winter crafts.
For religious instruction, we will teach the children about the Epiphany.
- Friday, January 17th – NO SCHOOL for Parent/Teacher Conferences
- Monday, January 20th – NO SCHOOL for Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Have a good night!
Miss Sue & Miss Kelly