This is the season for picking orange pumpkins! This week our class will learn all about pumpkins. The children will combine red and yellow paint into an orange fingerpainting that will be turned into a pumpkin for our pumpkin patch. We will read a variety of books about pumpkins and we learn about the life cycle of a pumpkin. We will vote on which shapes to carve a face on a jack o lantern with and count pumpkin seeds. Wednesday and Thursday will be our pumpkin parties. Please wear something orange if you can. We will celebrate with a special pumpkin party snack and we will mix, bake and enjoy pumpkin bread and pumpkin pie. Music and dance will include, “Five Little Pumpkins” and “Pick a Pumpkin”. Jesus time will include the “Pumpkin Carving Prayer”. We will thank God for all the colors with our songs of praise as well. Please remember that we will have a pumpkin party on Halloween. Costumes are not permitted, but orange wear and pumpkin prints instead.