Happy Thanksgiving!
I hope you all enjoyed the weekend. We have a short but fun week.
This week we will be learning the letter H and the sound it makes. We will also learn the sign for it. We will continue with our community helper’s, this week we will be learning about doctor’s.
For Jesus time, we are learning about the birth of Isaac.
Our school wide Thanksgiving Feast is Wednesday Nov. 22. Every child is invited to stay full day. If you do not wish your child to stay full day, pick up will be @ 1 and please let us know at drop off so we can have your child ready to go.
In the afternoon on Wed., we are going to have a classroom party. We will need some donations of goodies, sign up will be on class Dojo.
Special dates:
Nov. 29: Santa Shop- children have the opportunity to buy presents for their family
Dec. 6: Movie day/Milk and cookies Pajama Day
Dec. 9: Breakfast with Santa. $10 per person more info to follow
Dec. 18 @ 9 am: our class Christmas Program.
Have a great day!
Miss Mary and Miss Punam