Last we learned all about the Turkey bird. This week it’s time to celebrate Thanksgiving as a class and as a school community. We have much to be thankful for. God has blessed us all with many good things. We will thank God for all of creation and for our many blessings. We will explore the history of the first Thanksgiving and read many stories about the first Thanksgiving and about how we celebrate the holiday today. Music will include “Five Fat Turkeys,” “Ten Little Turkeys”, “We Are Thankful,” “Thank You God” and more. We will also begin singing songs for our Christmas program which will be held on Friday, December 10th. This week we will explore the importance of corn to the native peoples, grind corn, make cornbread, churn butter and paint “Indian Corn” art works. We will review the shapes while playing a fun game of hide and seek with the Turkey in the hay.
Wednesday we will enjoy a school Thanksgiving feast around 11am. After lunch, we will walk off all the calories as we participate in the Turkey Trot for charity around the school. All nursery students are invited to attend. Pick up for half day and Tuesday / Thursday only students will be at 12:30 pm at the ECC door.
I wish you and your family a happy Thanksgiving!!! We are closed for Thanksgiving break both Thursday and Friday.