Happy Fall! ?

The weekend weather did not cooperate but I hope you enjoyed some time off!

First and foremost our thoughts and prayers are with the families who are affected my the tragic accident involving Farmingdale High School.

This week we will begin learning about Triangles and the color Green, Green apples.

We will be finishing up our Apples theme with taste testing Red, Yellow and Green apples on Friday. I will be making a graph and I will post the most popular apple on Dojo. I’m curious to see which apple wins!

For Jesus time, we will be finishing up Johnny Appleseed  and will continue learning the Christian Pledge.

This Wednesday we will be going to gym, please send your child in with sneakers on.

Remember to check your child’s back pack daily for any important information and art projects.

Thank you and enjoy your Sunday!

Miss Mary and Miss Punam