Good Morning!

We have a short week but an exciting one!

This week we will be learning about the letter C and the sound it makes. We have been teaching the children sign language for each letter we’ve learned so far in hopes that we can sign the alphabet by the end of the year. Since it’s such a short week, please have your child bring in their show and tell letter C items on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. 

Our shape of the week is the diamond/rhombus. We will do our weekly scavenger hunt that the children LOVE so much!

The color of the week is Pink! ?

We are continuing with creation for Jesus time and we are on weeks 5 & 6, creatures that live in the sea and the air and finally, God created man.


10/18: Library and gym..we will be going to library every week from now on so please send in the library books. Please be sure your child is wearing sneakers.

10/19: White Post Farm field trip

10/20: teachers professional development, NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS

Enjoy your Sunday!

Miss Mary and Miss Punam