Oh, Give thanks unto the Lord for He is good and His mercy endures forever! Yes, our God demands our thanks and praise in all circumstances not just for all His goodness.
Jesus’s Time: In the Bible stories of Hannah, Samuel, Elisha, as well as David and Jonathan, our children have been thanking God for their families, homes, school, friends, and church. In our prayers and songs, we have been praising our God.
Math: We are completing our “official” study of #1-10. But numbers, shapes, position words, sorting, and patterning will remain an active part of our world.
Science: With the changing of the seasons our study of crows and eastern gray squirrels is drawing to a close. Please visit our pumpkin patch and note all of our learning as it will be taken down by Wednesday, 11/21/18.
Social Studies: Our topic this month has been our communities: helpers, jobs, transportation, what buildings exist there, and what they do. We have not only worked with the present but with the past. We are studying Native Americans of the Eastern United States, namely the Iroquois, Chippewa, and Seminoles in their communities. Using the books such ABCDRIVE, JOBS, DOT, THE FIREHOUSE DOG, and LOLA AT THE LIBRARY, they assist us in the development of literacy skills.
Art: With Mrs. Kerwin we made a beautiful coffee filter turkey. In class we made scarecrows, squirrels, and beautiful autumn leaves. Using play dough we continue to work on our small motor skills.
Music: Moving to “Little Red Fox”, “Yankee Doodle”, “The Saints” we practice our gross motor skills. We also have been singing our thank you songs and turkey tunes, as well as learning to play the drums.
Our outdoor play has been a bit limited due to the weather but in our gym we are working with red playground balls and our indoor frisbees.
May our Lord rest His hand gently upon you now and always!
Blessings on your Thanksgiving Observation!