May the peace, mercy , and love of Jesus be with you all in this holy season of Lent!
Thank you so much for all your help in making the ECC circus a success. Your children looked so great in their costumes and the gym was beautiful.
Our children have begun their journey with Jesus to Jerusalem, the upper room, the cross, and the empty tomb. While they are learning the history of the Passion, they are experiencing the dauntless love and mercy our God has for us in His dying and resurrection that we might be His own forever. “Thousand, thousand thanks shall be dearest Jesus unto Thee.”
As Spring brings new life to our Earth, we are learning about this Vernal Equinox and what is happening with our sun, rain, soil, plants, and animals. It is permeating everything we are doing in art, literature, science and social studies.
The children are becoming more and more aware of the fact that reading is really written talk. The letters and sounds of Pp, Hh, Ss, and Rr are in our focus right now. Our writing is improving as are our listening skills.
Working with numbers is leading us into ordinal as well as cardinal numbers, position words, and counting use of numbers, eleven to twenty.
May the God of all peace and love rest His hand gently upon you as we look forward to the glorious celebration of Easter!