Hello and welcome to the 3rd week of pre-k! We have done so much learning already and there is so much more ahead! We have already memorized the “Months of the Year” song and our morning prayer! Everyone is making new friends and playing so nicely together.
This week we will conclude our apple unit with green apples. We will get to taste them on Friday and then make a chart to decide which apple we liked the best. We will also have applesauce and apple pie for snack this week. We will have a special visit from Johnny Appleseed himself on Friday, but shhhh… it’s a surprise! We will also have some really fun apple pie cloud dough in the sensory table where we can enjoy pretending to make apple pies! And we will also watch a video about the life of Johnny Appleseed.
For math this week we will review #3, rectangle, and the color green. We will also learn to compare shorter and longer.
We continue this week learning about Creation with days 4-7. We will be making those pages in our Creation books and sending them home next week.
We will start our letter of the week this week with the letter Aa. We will read “Apple Auntie” and learn a silly Aa song to reinforce letter recognition and letter sound.
Have a blessed week!