This week we will begin a new language arts unit about family. The first week will focus on the topic “Who is in my family?” Our vocabulary words will be mother, father, brother, sister, grandmother, and grandfather. We will read the stories Bears Busy Family, Herman the Helper, and Daddy Calls Me Man. Please send in a family photo as soon as possible as we will be creating a classroom family tree. The photo can include immediate or extended family as we will be exploring both.
This week will focus on letter Cc and we will read “Curly Caterpillar” and sing a silly Cc song. Please remember to bring in an item beginning with the letter Cc on Thursday this week as we will be at the pumpkin farm on Friday. We will also make a C is for Cow project.
For math this week we will review #5, oval, and the color orange. We will continue to review the shapes we have already discussed this year.
In science we will begin exploring pumpkins. We will talk about the parts of the pumpkin: seeds, pulp, stem, and shell, and next week we will explore the inside of the pumpkin by cutting one open. We will read the story Spookley the Square Pumpkin and make a cute Spookley project. We will also measure how many pumpkins tall we are.
We will begin playing with some farm toys and puzzles and will have farm animals and oats and corn in the sensory table. We will also mix red and yellow play dough and discover that red + yellow = orange.
We will visit chapel this week on Wednesday.
Reminder that school is closed next Monday the 14th for Columbus/Indigenous people day.
Have a blessed week!