This week we start a new unit in our Big Day curriculum “My Family”. This week’s topic is “Who is in my family?” We will read Bear’s Busy Family, Herman the Helper, and Daddy Calls me Man. Our vocabulary will be: mother, father, brother, sister, grandfather, and grandmother.
Our letter this week is Cc. We will read “Curly Catterpillar” and learn a letter Cc song. We will make a C is for cave project as we will be learning about bats this week for science.
For math this week we will review the shapes that we have already learned this year (circle, square, triangle, rectangle) and we will learn diamond/rhombus. We will make a diamond bat project as well. We will also learn #5 and the color brown.
For science this week we will finish up talking about farm animals and start learning about bats. We will learn that bats are not birds and we will compare and contrast the way birds and bats are the same and different. We will learn the words: mammal, nocturnal, and echolocation. We will also watch “Franklin and His Night Friend”.
For Jesus time we will continue to learn about Abraham and how God is always with us wherever we go.
We will have art this week on Tuesday with Mrs. Kerwin and start learning about Monet.
We will have gym on Wednesday with Mr. Mallon.
Have a blessed week everyone!