Let the countdown to Christmas begin! Only 3 short weeks until Christmas vacation and there is LOTS to do! Most importantly, our Christmas program on December 9th at 9:30. Hope to see you all there.
For the month of December we do not cover a unit in the Big Day curriculum. Instead we focus on all things Christmas, especially the birth of Jesus our Savior. This past Sunday was the first Sunday in Advent. We will make an Advent wreath and talk about the angel coming to visit Mary and telling her about being the mother of Jesus. We will continue to practice our Christmas songs for our next week’s program. Our snack and lunch prayer for this month will be the third verse of Away in a Manger: “Be near me Lord Jesus I ask You to stay, close by me forever and love me I pray. Bless all the dear children in your tender care, and take us to Heaven to live with You there.”
This week we will be learning the letter Ii and reading “Inky Inchworm” and learning a letter Ii song. We will also make an I is for Igloo craft.
For math we will continue to review #1-10 and patterns.
This week our literature series will be about gingerbread men. We will read 2 versions of The Gingerbread Man and then compare the story and the characters using a venn diagram. We will also read Gingerbread Friends and Gingerbread Baby both by Jan Brett. At the end of the week we will create our own (non-edible) gingerbread man craft.
We will also be working hard the next few weeks to make a few surprises for mom and dad for Christmas.
Have a blessed week everyone, and enjoy this wonderful season of Christmas!