I hope everyone enjoyed all of the pictures and videos I posted on Class Dojo last week for ECC Fun Week. We definitely had a great time each day exploring new ideas and using our imaginations. This week promises to be just as exciting as we prepare for our closing program on Thursday. The children have worked hard to learn all of the songs and hand movements and I know you will enjoy seeing them perform just as much as I do.
In addition to preparing for our final program, we will be learning about summer safety with two Weekly Readers “Splash Into Summer”, and “Hooray for Helmets”. We will also be reading some summer and beach inspired books.
We will also be working this week on a Father’s Day craft.
Our sight words this week will be “can” and “not”. We will also continue to review letter sound and recognition, number recognition, and rote counting. I am working on testing the children for their final report card that will be sent home on the last day. Please use the worksheets I have posted for homework as a review of letters and numbers.
Have a blessed week everyone!