Happy New Year! Welcome to 2023! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and the new year brings happiness and many blessings!

This week we will start a new unit in our Big Day Curriculum – Awesome Animals. Our topic for this week will be “All Kinds of Animals”. We will read Biggest, Strongest, Fastest, and Is Your Mama a Llama. Our vocabulary words will be: animal, scales, climb, shell, feathers, slither, fly, swim, and fur.

Our letter for the week is Ll. We will practice writing Ll, make a list of Ll words, and have Ll show and tell on Friday.

We will also read the book Chicken Soup with Rice and review the months of the year. We will eat chicken soup with rice on Friday for snack.

Our number for this week is 11. We will also compare using the words length, height, tallest, longest, and biggest.

For Jesus time we will learn about the Wise Men. Epiphany is this friday the 6th.

We will also make 2 snowman projects this week, one with our names, and one based on the book Snowballs.

Have a blessed week everyone! Welcome back!