Welcome back! I hope everyone enjoyed winter break. Miss Oquendo and I are excited to start a new and exciting week. A few important notes for this week:
- Please return library books on Tuesday so that your child can borrow a new book.
- Please return all chocolate sale money by Wednesday, February 26th.
- Please have your child cut out 4-5 pictures of food items that they like to eat (magazine or printed picture) and send in by Wednesday, February 26th.
- Please send in a composition notebook for your child by Friday, February 28th.
This week we will continue our unit on “Imagine It, Make It”. We will read The Three Little Pigs, Buildings, and Alphabet Under Construction. Our new vocabulary words are invention, materials and plan. We will use blocks to build a city in our classroom. We will start learning new sight words this week – a, and, away. Additionally, we will be starting four new centers this week. Our letter this week is “S”. We will lean an “S” song and make an “S” project. Children are encouraged to bring in an item from home that starts with the letter “S” for show and tell on Friday, February 28th.
For math we will focus on patterns and building things with different structures. We will learn the vocabulary words flip, rotate and structure. The children will continue to practice shapes and patterns through a fun game that will teach them to describe shapes and patterns to their friends. Our number for this week is 16. During Social Studies we will learn about maps and landmarks. We will create a map of our classroom and talk about our favorite landmarks in the school that are along our routes to our different specials. For example, the landmarks we see from our classroom to the gym or to art class.
Wednesday is Ash Wednesday. We will be visiting Chapel and begin our discussions on lent. For Jesus time we will learn that Jesus fed many many people focusing on how God provides for us in many ways. We will also bake bread together so that we can share in a picnic.
We have a special assembly on Friday – a visit from the Singing Bus Driver. It is going to be a fun week!
Have a blessed week!