The countdown to Christmas is on!!

We have been really busy getting ready for our Christmas pageant. The children are really excited and have been working hard. I can’t wait to see you all there on Dec. 13th.

Breakfast with Santa was a success, and it was so nice to see some of you there.

This week we will be adding the second candle on our advent wreaths, peace. We will be celebrating St. Nicholas Day and learning about the Nativity. For Jesus time we will continue with Christmas, Advent, the Nativity and Jesus birthday.

We will be reading “The Saint Nick Story “and “Christmas in The Manger.

Please check our class Dojo for a schedule of ECC events.

I am going to ask for volunteers to come into our class this month for mystery readers. I will make a post on Dojo, and you can let me know if you are interested in coming to our class to read your child’s favorite or your favorite book (Christmas or not).


Dec. 7th: the baby layette items are due (please send in a new onesie or other small article of clothing to donate).

Dec. 13th: Our class Christmas show, doors open at 9:20 in the chapel and we start at 9:30.

We are looking forward to another great week!

Miss Mary and Miss Punam