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Middle School:  Art Extra Help

Art Extra Help is provided during the periods listed below:

A student wishing to attend Art Extra Help must obtain an ART PASS from Mrs. Kerwin.  The student must show the cafeteria monitor the pass so that the monitor can document the student’s absence from the lunch room. It is the student’s responsibility to return back to the cafeteria in a timely manner so that he/she can stay on schedule with the homeroom class.


Tuesday:  (11-11:30)  Grade 8 — Earth Science Lab students have first priority, then if there is room, all other 7th and 8th graders are welcome.

                    (11:45-12:15)  Grade 6

Thursday:  (11:45-12:15)  Grade 6

Friday:  (11-11:30)  Grades 7 and 8

Projects we are working on the next two weeks:

Ka/Kaa — Draw Your Favorite Animal using basic shapes, details and color.

1a/1aaRainbow Fish Watercolor and Craypas

2a — Animals from Bible Stories

3aa — Create a Surreal Scene in Magazine Collage

4a — Norman Rockwell — Everyday Life Scenes

5a/5aa — Observational Drawing of a Shoe — Sketch and Fantasy Drawings

6aa — How to Create Motion/Movement in Art/Sneaker Painting in watercolor and tempera

7a/7aa — Tissue Collage

8a/8aa — Japanese Notan Design

Wishing all of you a fun and creative week in Art!

Mrs. Kerwin