Trinity Student Update – 11/21/14

“Thankful for our freedoms and protected country, Kindergarteners have sent homemade cards to Operation Gratitude, an organization that collects and sends letters and care packages to troops and veterans around the country. We are grateful for our brave, strong...

Trinity Student Update – 11/20/14

“Trinity’s nursery students are learning about the virtue of being patient and a few facts about owls. The wonderful story, Owl Babies by Martin Waddell, was recently read to the children in class. It tells the story of three young owls, Sarah, Percy and Bill,...

Trinity Student Update – 11/19/14

“Mrs. Perovich is very proud of the students in her third grade class. On their last math test, almost all the students scored above 90%.  The students are working hard, and it is showing in their grades. Way to go third graders!” – Mrs. Perovich