Trinity Student Update – 6/18/14

“We are very excited about our “Moving Up” ceremony on June 17th. Both Kindergarten classes will be presenting a power point presentation (thanks to Tom Perovich), about what they liked best about Kindergarten and then sing some beautiful songs. All...

Trinity Student Update – 6/17/14

“Aleatha W. has worked especially hard this quarter. She has put in extra effort both before and after school to successfully master our common core curriculum math. She persevered through difficult challenges. I am so proud of her nonstop effort to succeed.”  –...

Trinity Student Update – 6/16/14

“The first grade class went to the Vanderbilt Planetarium to see an awesome show about the sun and planets. They enjoyed a picnic lunch on a beautiful day, and everyone wrote about their field trip when we returned to school” – Mrs. Jayne Flomer

Trinity Student Update – 6/12/14

“Kyle M. from 4th grade did a wonderful job representing Trinity on our field trip to the Fire Island Lighthouse.  He participated in a question and answer session with our tour guide by using information we learned in our Social Studies lessons this year. He...

Trinity Student Update – 6/11/14

“Want to see math facts done in a flash?? The second grade has a math super star, Tyler W! Tyler impresses his teacher and classmates each day with his unbelievable math skills. He completes his math sprints with confidence, speed and efficiency. We are so proud...