Trinity Student Update – 10/29/14

“Eighth graders Reign F., Matthew H., and Brian N. crafted well written essays for their Civil War Literature tests.  They are off to a great start with writing this year!  Keep it up!  I am so proud of all of you!” – Mrs. Saitta

Trinity Student Update – 10/28/14

“We have two sets of twins this year in the Kindergarten classes! Luke and Griffen M. and Isaiah and Noah D.x. How great is that! Benjamin K. and Benjamin S. have something in common other than they share the same first name. Mrs.Uss taught Ben K’s Dad and Ben...

Trinity Student Update – 10/24/14

“I am very proud of Justin in Mrs. Gallegos’ Second Grade class.  He is acting as a role model to his fellow classmates by consistently showing effort in both warm-ups and the class activities. Great job, Justin and the rest of Mrs. Gallegos’ class!” – Ms....