8th grade Spanish week of 9/24/18

i Hola ! This week in 8th grade, we finished up September with our first oral greetings quiz. The students all did very well and I am very proud that they are all coming out of their shell when it comes to speaking in Spanish. This week we also covered the important...

5th grade Spanish

¡Bienvenidos a la clase de espaňol! Yo soy Srta. Castrillon. Welcome to Spanish class! I am Miss Castrillon. This week  the 5th grade class had their first Spanish class. This month will be spent on introductions, reviewing classroom rules, and becoming familiar with...

4th grade Spanish

¡Bienvenidos a la clase de espaňol! Yo soy Srta. Castrillon. Welcome to Spanish class! I am Miss Castrillon.  We started off the school year on a strong note as the students were introduced to classroom rules, seating arrangements and the Spanish Greetings. We also...