Fourth Grade Spanish for November

Bienvenido a la clase de español para el mes de noviembre. Welcome to the fourth grade Spanish class for the month of november. This month we will finish reviewing past topics so that they can have their first oral quiz. They will learn how to hold a practice...

Fourth Grade Computers for November

Welcome to Fourth Grade Computers for the month of November. This month holds a lot of excitement for the kids as they embark on internet safety, as well as continuing to practice with the mouse and keyboard. Along with this practice they begin to use various online...

Second grade computers for november

Welcome to Second Grade Computers for the month of November. This month finds us finishing up with mouse clicking and more keyboard (typing) practice. Students will now begin to create digital projects that will help reinforce topics discussed in their regular...

8th grade Spanish

Hola! Bienvenidos a la semana del 22 de octubre. Welcome to 8th grade Spanish for the week of 10/22/18 which is Spirit week. This week we will continue with the differences between the two verbs “to be” in Spanish. We will also review for our oral quiz which will be...