Spanish 1/3-1/5

6th Grade: This week in sixth grade we will learn how to conjugate regular verbs in the target language. Homework: handouts and on Google Classroom 7th Grade: This week in seventh grade students will learn comparisons in Spanish more/less than and as much/as many- as....

Spanish 12/18-12/22

6th Grade: This week in Spanish students will present their project on “Health and Body” Homework: Study the list of topics posted on Google Classroom 7th Grade: This week in Spanish students will present their project on “Going Shopping ”...

Spanish 12/11-12/15

6th Grade: This week in sixth grade students will start a new unit about health in the target language, this will include; grammar, vocabulary words and culture. Homework: handouts and on Google Classroom 7th Grade: This week in seventh grade students will start a new...

Spanish 12/4-12/8

6th Grade: This week in sixth grade students will learn about food in Spanish as they prepare for a second project about Typical Dishes for Christmas in Hispanic countries. Test 2 : Monday 12/4 Homework: handouts and on Google Classroom 7th Grade: This week in seventh...

Spanish 11/21 – 12/1

6th Grade: This week in sixth grade students will learn about Body Parts in Spanish. Homework: handouts and on Google Classroom 7th Grade: This week in seventh grade students will learn about shopping and conjugate the verbs “poner and llevar”...

Spanish 11/20-11/22

6th Grade: This week in sixth grade students will have a quiz on “SER VS ESTAR” on Tuesday November 21st. Notes for this quiz are on Google Classroom and on the student’s notes 7th Grade: This week in seventh grade students will continue learning the...