by Janice Jones | Jan 15, 2024 | Spanish - Middle School, Spanish - Mrs. Jones
Hola bienvenidos a la clase de español para sexto grado para la semana de 15/1/24. Hello and welcome to 6th grade Spanish class for the week of 1/15/24. This week we will finish the chapter on la familia.They will have a test on the grammar concept of the plural of...
by Janice Jones | Jan 8, 2024 | Spanish - Middle School, Spanish - Mrs. Jones
Hola bienvenidos a la clase de español para sexto grado para la semana de 8/1/24. Hello and welcome to 6th grade Spanish class for the week of 1/8/24. This week they will continue the new chapter on la familia and the grammar concept of plurals in Spanish....
by Janice Jones | Jan 2, 2024 | Spanish - Middle School, Spanish - Mrs. Jones
Hola bienvenidos a la clase de español para sexto grado para la semana de 1/1/24. Hello and welcome to 6th grade Spanish class for the week of 1/1/2. This week they will finish with their name project and begin their new chapter on la familia and the grammar concept...
by Janice Jones | Dec 18, 2023 | Spanish - Middle School, Spanish - Mrs. Jones
Bienvenidos to middle school Spanish for the week of 12/18. This is a short week. Sixth grade Spanish will have a verbal pop quiz on greetings and stating how they are feeling. Seventh grade will have a mini assessment to review what they have learned in Chapter 3 en...
by Janice Jones | Dec 11, 2023 | Spanish - Middle School, Spanish - Mrs. Jones
Hola bienvenidos a la clase de español para sexto grado para la semana de 11/12/23. Hello and welcome to 6th grade Spanish class for the week of 12/11/23. This week they will continue with their name project. Students will write sentences describing themselves as well...
by Janice Jones | Dec 4, 2023 | Spanish - Middle School, Spanish - Mrs. Jones
Hola bienvenidos a la clase de español para sexto grado para la semana de 3/12/23. Hello and welcome to 6th grade Spanish class for the week of 12/3/23. This week we will finish up with Chapter 1 and have their first quiz on Tuesday December 5th. The quiz will be on...