Week of 10/7/13 – 10/11/13

We all had a great time at White Post Farm last Friday. We had a beautiful day to feed the animals, take a hayride , pick a pumpkin and play on the playground. We are making a favorite farm animal picture graph. Please look  outside the nursery classrooms to see what...

Week of 9/30 – 10/04/13

We are having so much fun in the nursery classes. We are enjoying playing with our friends and  learning new things! Last week we started our color unit and it was RED week. We all wore something red and had a yummy red snack of red apples and strawberries! We played...

Nursery Classes – Week of 9/16/13

The beginning weeks of school for our nursery students are a time of great excitement. The children will  adapt to separation from caregivers and grow in independence and confidence with new teachers, classmates and routines. The students will be exposed to music and...