Nursery – Week of 3/3 – 3/7/14

This week we start preparing  up for our Rodeo which will be held on Wednesday, March 26th @ 9:15 am.  We are beginning to practice our songs and routines for the program. Art Projects:  Watercolor  a mitten  and see if all the animals we colored  will fit! We will ...

Week of February 24-28

Hello everyone and welcome back! I hope you all enjoyed the week off! With Spring just around the corner, we got to dig in the dirt and plant some grass seeds that will eventually become Leprechaun hair! We talked about the 4 things that plants need to grow: Soil,...

Nursery – Week of 2/10 – 2/14/14

Happy Valentine’s Day! The nursery students have been busy this week catching up on getting ready for Valentine’s Day. The children are making mailbags to hold all their cards and treats. They are also creating a special card and beautiful hearts for their...

Week of 2/3-2/7

Snow, Snow and more Snow! I hope everyone is getting out and enjoying the snow, but we miss all of you! I guess the groundhog was right when he saw his shadow on Sunday! We saw our shadows too last week: This week we are starting our Valentine’s Day projects,...

Nursery Class – Week of 1/27 – 1/31/14

Mrs. Maldonado enjoying a tea party with the students. This week in the nursery classes: The M-W- F students are happy to be back in class after an unexpected week off! We are ending our shape unit with stamping rectangles, making a shape wagon and completing a shape...

Nursery – January 20-24

  “Mr. and Mrs. Square Bear” Last week we had a visit from Nurse Angela who taught us how important it is to wash our hands to keep the germs away. She also taught us to sneeze in our elbow and use a tissue for a runny nose. This week we got to visit...