Nursery Classes – Week of 11/2- 11/6/15

Please be reminded that ECC does not have school on Friday, November 6 and Wednesday, November 11. Friday we have a professional conference day and Wednesday is Veterans Day. This week in class we are finishing up our color unit. Thank you to all who contributed to...

Nursery Classes- week of 10/12 – 10/16/15

It is YELLOW week! We had Curious George as a  special visitor to our classrooms this week. He was a curious little monkey and set off to explore our whole school leaving a banana trail for us to follow. We searched high and low for George.  He was not in  the front...

Nursery Classes – Week of 9/21-9/25/15

The nursery students are adjusting nicely to their new school environment. They are having fun playing and interacting with their new teachers and classmates. We are reviewing the rules for school, playground rules and using our manners. In class this week we are: Art...

Week of 9/18/2015

This week we began our unit on the 5 senses.  The children learned about about smell and sight.  They were able to smell things such as lemons, garlic, and cinnamon.  They also learned they are able to see things with their eyes such as the sun, clouds, and airplanes....